Kodak Color Ink Cartridge - #10 Compatible Replacement

Kodak Color Ink Cartridge - #10 Compatible Replacement

Item# K10C
Availability: Usually ships the next business day

Compatible color #10 replacement for use with:

Kodak Easyshare 5100, 5300, 5500, ESP3, ESP7, ESP9

Kodak ESP 3250, 5250, 7250, 9250, ESP Office 6150

Kodak Hero 6.1, 7.1, 9.1 printers

Replaces Kodak part number: 1810829, 8946501 #10 color

Average product shelf life of our Kodak ink cartridges compatible brand products is 24 months

All products are ISO 9001 Certified and 100% Guaranteed
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